L0-LA 59

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L0-LA59, nicknamed “Lola” or known as Bug Droid is a feminine toy droid owned bye the young Princess Leia.

If you want to build your own L0-LA, there are currently various options.

There are some versions on Thingiverse, but the 2 best versions with sound, light and animation are from X-Circuits and from Droid Division.

Personally, the X-Circuits version is the best in terms of functionality.

From the detailed design, the Droid Division version is a bit more detailed.

X-Circuits L0-LA

X Circuits Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/xor_circuits/posts


  • 2 RGB LEDs
  • 6 servos installed: wings, eyes and movement of the “hip”
  • Touch sensor for elegant operation and several modes
  • Hidden LiPo battery with charging Circuit via USB
  • Sound

Droid Division L0-LA

Droid Division on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DroidDivision

The original Droid Division was purely static. Thanks to Matt Zwarts, you will now also receive an animatronic version with the purchase of the model.


  • 2 RGB leds +1 white led
  • 2 servos for the wings
  • sound
  • internal battery

It’s a very nice droid by design, but with significantly fewer animatronic features than the X-Circuits version

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