Domelift Integration into the ShadowMD system

Estimated reading time: 1 min

The domelift board can now be controlled directly via shadowmd thanks to Betterduino and a modified version of the domelift software.

Until now it was a problem because both systems wanted to control the servos independently of each other and there was no overarching command structure.

There are servos on the DomeLift itself that do NOT go through the Ben/MarcDuinos. It’s just the panels that are taken over by the Ben/MarcDuinos. The servos on Zapper, etc. still run via the Domelift board.
The procedure is: Lift sends “open panel x” to Ben/MarcDuino via I2C. Then “lock panel x” so that sequences running in parallel do not cause any damage.
The animations of the dome lift mechanisms continue to run on the PCA9685 board.

But thanks to Betterduino this is no longer a problem.

Connection Dome Lift to MarcDuino boards:

Please use BetterDuino firmware V1.0.8 or higher. New I2C slave mode must be activated (standard in BetterDuino, classic I2C Master mode also available in dedicated firmware, see config.h).

  • Connect Master InterCom-TX to Dome Lift RX0
  • Connect I2C bus from MarcDuino board to Dome Lift Board
  • Use modified dome lift firmware (
  • New MarcDuino comand is :LIxx. To be compatible with the R2Touch-App the command mapping is as follows:
:LI07Bad Motivator
:LI08Dome Zapper
:LI10Life Form


You need the modified Dome Lift Sketch for the Dome Lift Board:

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